Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Wow guys. GREAT weekend! Granada was just a blast! I really didn't want to leave. It was good to get away. Which sounds odd...getting away from Madrid. But just as I'd suspected, exams and homework and all that were right here waiting for me when I returned. Alas. But anyways:

Friday: Just like any other trip I've been on in the past few months, this one started extremely early. At IES by 7:30AM, on the road by 8ish. 6 hour bus ride with a stop in between. The scenery was just gorgeous. Gillian pointed out the olive trees to me and there were just ACRES of them everywhere. Not to mention gorgeous mountains and cliffs. We arrived in Granada mid-afternoonish and got settled in our hotel. We had a few hours of free time (mostly spent in the hotel room relaxing) before our walking tour around Granada.
We walked through Albayzin and Sacromonte and climbed many a steep, cobblestoned hill. What a workout. Oh but it was so worth it because the views were GORGEOUS. And not just the views of the entire city plus the mountains and La Alhambra from up high. All of the little winding streets were lined with different shops, teterías (tea shops), cafés, bakeries, and bars. It was so different from Madrid. Just so much character.
Anyways, we ended our tour outside the Arab baths. Oh my goodness these were fantastic. Pools of frigid cold water and really warm water. The contrast between the two felt amazing.
Plus, we got massages and were served the most delicious tea I've ever tasted. Yep. Pretty rough. After that IES treated us to a WONDERFUL dinner. This restaurant was tucked away on a little side street, no flash signs above the door or anything. Very modest from the outside. But oh, when we went in, we were greeted with drinks on a terrace with a breath-taking view of La Alhambra (the citadel that Granada is famous for). It was just stunning. And the food was fabulous as well. By the time we got back to our hotel, we pretty much crashed. Busy busy day.

Saturday: Breakfast at the hotel before we went on another tour for the morning. We visited the Catedral de Granada as well as the Real Capilla (Royal Chapel). The cathedral was giant and gorgeous, as is the norm here with Spanish cathedrals.
The chapel was really interesting because here, King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella were buried. As in, I definitely was less than 20ft away from the remains of the Catholic monarchs of Spain who ruled during the 15th century. CRAZY. After these visits, we had some free time to grab some tapas before our visit to LA ALHAMBRA.

La Alhambra: So in my art and architecture course, we'd spent a considerable amount of time studying La Alhambra. It's a palace and fortress built on a hill during the 14th century. This place is HUGE. The decorations were typical of Muslim palaces and were, therefore, gorgeous and extremely intricate. Unfortunately, the part I was most excited about was closed for restoration. But everything else was just breathtaking. I really wish I could describe it better, but words can't do it justice.

ANYHOO. So after a lot of walking and picture-taking and touristing, we had some free time to go out and explore. I may have bought a few gifts ;) The last big to-do on our agenda was the flamenco show. If you recall, IES went to a flamenco show in January at Teatro Muñoz Seca. This was ENTIRELY different. First of all, the show was put on by gypsies and took place in a cave. Yes. A cave. All fifty of us were seated quite cozily in the cave while the dancers danced in front of us, literally inches away. The band was seated in the seats literally right along with us! It was so much more intimate and I definitely enjoyed it a lot more than the previous show. Once again, back to the hotel to crash. Zzzzzzz.

So yeah. Sorry that was so lengthy, but it was just an amazing trip. Really. Soooo as the time to buy next month's Abono Metro pass has drawn near, I realize April is, like, here. I feel like I've been in Madrid forever and I feel like I will be here for a whole 'nother forever. It's a weird state of mind to be in. Well, anyway, here's some exciting happenings for April:

- day trip to Salamanca
- SEMANA SANTA. Consisting of trips to Barcelona and Sicily!

A few more random thoughts. If you've stuck it out this long, props to you. This was one heck of an entry:

- My roommates are all wonderful and I couldn't have picked a more lovely group of ladies to live with.
- I'm really gonna miss the cave bar across the street. Just sayin.
- My understanding of Spanish has gotten SO MUCH BETTER. So much that I can successfully eavesdrop on the Metro now. Winning.
- I've learned to cope with everything being closed on Sundays and only having pasta and cereal to eat.
- Other days of the week, I've cooked some pretty stellar meals. Go me.
- Starbucks in Spain is still okay. Really.


xox The Spanish Spaz

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oh hey.

Hey all! Just a quick update about my upcoming trip this weekend. Headed to GRANADA with IES from tomorrow til Sunday. Flamenco, Arab baths, the Alhombra. Gonna be a great time :) Catch you all on Monday after I've beasted through some lab work for Fluids and Strength of Materials. Weeeee!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Valencia and Las Fallas!

Holyyyy cannoli. What a day. SO much fun!

So Friday night, I finally got to meet up with a friend of mine, Miss Sally Fehskens. We sat outside in Plaza Mayor and had cañas and just enjoyed the nice evening. Was so good to see her :) Then I got home and crashed around 9PM because I was EXHAUSTED. This past week really kicked my butt. Being sick didn't help either. Oh but after all that sleep, I woke up at 7:30 AM on Saturday ready to go! Seriously, I felt so much better.

Saturday. Like I said, up at 7:30 AM to meet the group by 9AM at Ciudad Universitaria. We all met and got on bus #20 (of, like, fifty-some) and it was off to Valencia. It was about a four and a half hour trip, I think. Not bad at all. We made a pit-stop in the middle of nowhere about two hours in. There were SO many people going on this bus trip, it was insane. We finally unloaded in Valencia around 2PM and we were on our own until 5:30AM, when we'd meet back at the bus.

So first things first. We went and got something to eat at a little restaurant.
Then we kinda wandered around the different neighborhoods looking at the different fallas. These things were SO big and SO pretty and SO well done. Each neighborhood makes one and then they're voted on. The best one gets saved and put in a museum while the other ones are burned. We also got to see the parade. Sort of. We got stuck in the back because there were a lot of people. But it was still cool. Thennnn around midnight, they started burning stuff.
They'd start each burning off with fireworks (ps. That's the closest I've even been to fireworks. That kinda thing would NOT fly in the states. I was picking bits of firework out of my hair), and then they'd set of fireworks around the falla. These fireworks would eventually set the whole thing on fire and then SHWOOMP. Big. Giant. Flames. It was just so awesome to see. Quite toasty, too. In a matter of minutes, this big giant structure was just a pile of ashes. This went on until about 3:30AM and we were able to see about three different burnings. Thennnnn we just kinda hug out different places, trying to find bathrooms and keep warm and stay awake. And finally, we got back on the bus and were on our way home.

I think I'm back to my sick self again haha my eyes are killing me and I'm just exhausted. SO WORTH IT THOUGH. Gonna pop some NyQuil and head to bed early tonight. But not before skyping the family and wishing mi padre a happy Dia de Los Padres, which was yesterday. Aka. Spain's Father's Day.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

EXCITEMENT. And then I promise to go study...

I was just notified that I've been selected as a 2011 McNair Summer Research Scholar! Meaningggg that I get to spend the summer in Rochester doing BME research with a faculty member and taking a GRE prep course. GREAT DAY :)

Alright. Art and architecture history awaits...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Rain, rain, go away...

Gif Created on Make A Gif
The weather lately has been really bad for my physical activity level. Unless I wake up and the sun is beaming through my window calling "Andi! Come out to play!", I will not go running. And I haven't gone since Thursday. Also, your available space to dry clothes on seriously decreases when it rains, seeing as you can't hang clothes on the line outside. Le sigh. Guess this means I should go studyyyyy...


Friday, March 11, 2011

Un día exitosa :)


Just have to post about my successful afternoon. I had class until 4, after which I stayed back with Sam to chat with some of our Spanish classmates. They're all really nice and funny and it was good to talk with them and bond over the fact that we have no idea what's going on in Fluid Mechanics. Then I had some errands to run. You may recall about a month ago when I had to put minutes on my phone and buy a gift and things like that and pretty much had a breakdown. Ah but was different. I made my way down Calle de la Princesa in the rain with my special little yellow umbrella (which, by the way, was harder to maneuver through the crowded city streets than I'd anticipated) with a mission. I not only added minutes to my phone, but I bought stamps, envelopes, and even a book (in Spanish!). All without dissolving into a bucket of tears. It felt really good. I know it seems silly, but it's the little things, ya know? What a difference a month makes. Just a little self-esteem booster for me and reassurance that I'm not completely hopeless haha :)

So yeah. Tonight Aindrea and I are going on a pub crawl and I'm rather excited to meet some new people. Seems like a very tourist-y thing to do, but I don't mind. I just sure hope it stops drizzling. Bah. OKAY BYE :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011


First two midterms completed = overdue Carnaval update.

So. Carnaval. Basically a big party weekend right before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. People dress up in fun costumes and there are parades and other activities all over the city.

Friday: Aindrea and I went to the opening parade which ended in Plaza de la Villa. A bunch of people (actors, I'm assuming) were dressed up in kooky costumes were parading down the street to the plaza. The last to arrive was this jolly tubby man who I learned is called Don Carnal. Here in Plaza de la Villa, Don Carnal asked for the key to the city from some higher-up in the town (this was all spoken in Spanish. I understood most of it, but am kinda fuzzy on the details).
When he and his band of crazies received the key, he announced "La ciudad es nuestra! (The city is ours!)" and Carnaval has begun! It was really cool to see the skit play out and to see all the kooky costumes. "Viva Madrid y viva el Carnaval!"

Saturday: Aindrea and I also attended the grand parade near Banco de España. There were SO many people, but luckily were tall and were able to push our way to the front to catch some of the action.
There were all kinds of performers including dancers from different Spanish-speaking countries and acrobats. So exciting and SO many people. Seriously, we almost experienced a thrown-down between some older folk because they were arguing about being too short to see anything.
Quite amusing. Later that evening, we opted out of attending the giant REC Madrid in Casa de Campo and just wandered around Sol instead. Still a great night. Many an interesting costume were displayed downtown that night haha

Yayyy Carnaval! I'm so glad I was here to experience it. This week was full of studying since I had a midterm yesterday and today. Oh but I did go out for Venezuelan food Monday night with Gillian and Aindrea. Tonight, I'm having Ecuadorian food and possibly going out for a while. I really am having a wonderful time and get kinda sad when thinking about how we're almost halfway done with our time here. I feel like I've just arrived! Ah! Oh, and I have plans to go to Barcelona for the first half of Semana Santa. So yay :) Yep. Life is good, friends!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Not to brag, BUTTTTTTT...

...Aindrea and I definitely saw the King and Queen of Spain last night.


So I was chillin in my room, conjugating verbs like a champ on when Aindrea came in and told me that someone important was coming down the street outside our apartment. We look outside to see the normally busy street with not a single car on it and policemen lined up along it. First, some policemen on motorcycles drove by, then some important-looking black cars. And THENNNNN we saw the King and Queen's car! We knew it had to be them by the way it was being driven surrounded by four other cars, one on each side. It was black and shiny and had a fancy seal on it and flags too. Yup. ROYALTY. So excited. Some other people drove by after them in other important-looking vehicles.

So yeah, that was kind of AWESOME :)

Had a wonderful Carnaval weekend! My next post will include pics and the whole recap. Right now I'm focusing on my two midterms this week and three next week. AH!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Love and other ridiculousness.

(sorry we all look a little distressed in this one haha)

International Gamma Phi lovin'! Was able to Oovoo with Anna, Judith, Danielle, Susanna, and even the one and only Alley Meyer last night. Pretty much made my evening. That and going out dancing with my roomies and getting back at 3AM. Even if the hip-hop floor at Kapital let us down. Overall, I'm just surrounded by some pretty excellent people :)

Oh by the way, I got a haircut Monday. That was an experience in itself haha They did a good job though! It is indeed short. Before I went, I prepared key phrases in Spanish: "I would like a haircut", "Do I need an appointment?", "Could I make an appointment?", "A little longer/shorter, please", "For the love of God, stop cutting!". I might've been kidding on that last one. Well the moment I stepped in the place and said I wanted a haircut, they whisked me away to the back to start sudsing up my head. About 20 minutes and 10 euro later, I outta there. Bam.

So this weekend is Carnaval in Spain (and other countries in Europe, so I've heard). Costumes, parades, parties, the whole bit. So in-between studying for my three midterms next week, I'm gonna try to partake in these festivities. Parade tonight, possibly. PICTURES SOON, I PROMISE. I feel so bad for not taking many. I told myself that with the three day gap between the end of my last final and my flight home, I'm just gonna go crazy and take pictures of everywhere and everything in Madrid.

Heyyy UR! Enjoy your spring break :) I still gotta figure out what I'm doing for the first half of Semana Santa. I'm thinkin about just staying here in Spain, maybe with a day trip to Valencia and Córdoba. Yep. Work in progress.